Paris-based studio Cyber Group Studios’ new animated preschool series Gigantosaurus was the most-viewed show at this past weekend’s MIP Junior Market in France. The...
Rai Ragazzi -- the kids’ division of the Italian national broadcaster -- has revealed its animation and live-action slate coming soon and in production...
Korean studio Hong Dang Moo's animated series Magic Adventures: The Crystal of Dark and Italy's Rainbow Media's 44 Cats were the top most-screened shows...
Claude Barras’ internationally acclaimed My Life as a Zucchini continues to rack up accolades, this time triumphing on its home turf by winning three...
Taking place June 13-18, the Annecy International Animation Film Festival (accompanied by the MIFA market, June 15-17) will once again offer the very best...
Cartoon Movie 2015 kicked off in Lyon, France Wednesday evening, opening the pitching and co-production forum with a screening of Aardman Animation’s Shaun the...
GKIDS, distributor of high profile animated films for adult and family audiences, has announced key U.S. release dates for French animator Jean-Francois Laguionie's acclaimed...
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