Animation and children’s TV executive Michael Carrington has announced his retirement after decades of trailblazing work. His career spanned decades of exec producing award-winning...
BBC Studios and The Walt Disney Company today announced the first-ever CG animated feature film for Bluey, the smash-hit Australian preschool series about a...
The Critics Choice Association (CCA) announced today the TV category nominees for the 30th annual Critics Choice Awards. The winners will be revealed at an awards gala...
A third batch of Bluey Minisodes will bring the enthusiastic Blue Heeler back to Disney+ on Monday, December 9. The six new short-form episodes round out...
Hanna-Barbera, the Recorded History: From Modern Stone Age to Meddling Kids
Entertainment chronicler Greg Ehrbar pens this comprehensive, 344-page review of one of the world's...
In advance of the MIPCOM content market taking place October 21-24 in Cannes, France at the Palais des Festivals (, Animation Magazine caught up with...
Disney Branded Television announced today that the next seven Bluey Minisodes episodes will begin streaming Monday, October 7 on Disney+ at 12:00 a.m. PDT, and...
Today, Disney Branded Television unveiled the trailer for Bluey Minisodes. The first seven episodes will begin streaming Wednesday, July 3, on Disney+ at 12...
Disney Branded Television has announced that the first seven Bluey Minisodes will premiere Wednesday, July 3, on Disney+ at 12 a.m. PDT. The first two...
London-based animation software developer CelAction has announced their pledge to only use AI in their products if the AI has been ethically trained.
“We, like...
Bluey, Barbie and The Minions were among the many winners honored at last night’s Licensing International Excellence Awards in Las Vegas. The winners were...
Disney Branded Television has announced brand-new Bluey Minisodes, coming this July to Disney Junior and Disney+. The collection includes 20 one- to three-minute shorts...
Only a week after the hugely popular animated series Bluey delivered a popular half-hour special, the series is back with a previously unannounced new...
Disney Branded Television has unveiled the trailer for “The Sign,” the first extended-length special of the hit series Bluey, premiering April 14 at 12 a.m. PDT on...
Screen Australia has announced 23 feature films and six television productions that will share in over $810,000 of story development funding. Included in this...
In new charts shared by The Hollywood Reporter, Parrot Analytics has ranked several animated series among the "Top Trending" streaming content for the week...
American Cinema Editors (ACE) announced today the nominations for the 74th Annual ACE Eddie Awards, recognizing outstanding editing in 14 categories of film, television...
Data compiled by view tracker Nielsen show that, in addition to being Netflix's biggest animated feature debut ever (topping the English films list with...
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