Spiffy Pictures has announced that PBS KIDS has given the greenlight to a second and third season of educational animated series Nature Cat, comprising...
Cartoon Network’s endearing ursine trio is returning to home entertainment shelves with We Bare Bears: Viral Video arriving on DVD on October 4 (SRP...
Cartoon Network on Saturday presented a back-to-back panel extravaganza featuring two of its popular toons: We Bare Bears and the new The Powerpuff Girls,...
The latest animated family comedy from Illumination Entertainment and Universal Pictures, The Secret Life of Pets will have its world premiere at the 2016...
Illumination Entertainment and Universal Pictures are getting in the holiday spirit, offering a special Easter greeting to fans with a special video message starring...
Illumination Entertainment and Universal Pictures have released a second trailer for their fifth animated feature collaboration, The Secret Life of Pets, due out July...
Universal has released a new holiday trailer for its Illumination Entertainment animated feature film The Secret Life of Pets.
Here’s how the studio describes the...
Illumination Entertainment and Universal Pictures have released a teaser trailer for the Despicable Me studio’s fifth feature project: The Secret Life of Pets. Arriving...
Underdogs — the English-language version of the Argentinian animated featuare Metegol — has had its release date reset for Aug. 14.
Distributed by The Weinstein Company,...
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