Vertical Entertainment and Bron Studios' (The Willoughbys, Ghostbusters: Afterlife) family-friendly animated feature Henchmen will make its free streaming debut in the U.S. exclusively on...
Bron Animation’s CG-animated feature Henchmen is making its pay-per-view and digital debut in the U.S. on October 9. The action comedy is directed by...
Following a highly competitive negotiation, HBO Max has announced an exclusive, multi-year deal with beloved children’s author Mo Willems, an Emmy Award-winning writer, New...
’Rick and Morty’ Co-Creator Dan Harmon Deletes Twitter as Disturbing Video Resurfaces
There’s something in the air, with people digging up offensive material out of...
Activision Blizzard has launched a new consumer products division with the aim of supporting its global growth strategy by creating new avenues for fan...
Bron Studios is expanding its production facilities in Vancouver, BC in order to serve the production needs of its upcoming animated feature Henchmen, as...
Fox network has renewed Bob's Burgers for a fifth season with a 22-episode order prior to animated comedy's fourth-season premiere on Sunday. Bob's Burgers...
FOX has announced the full list of famous guest voices coming to its Animation Domination this fall on Sunday nights.
The Simpsons will be showcasing...
Disney TV’s London-based studio has commissioned Ireland’s Boulder Media and L.A.’s Titmouse to produce a new animated comedy titled Randy Cunningham: Ninth Grade Ninja....
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