Disney Branded Television is in development with nine-time Emmy Award-winning international animation studio Baobab Studios on The Witchverse, an all-new animated anthology series based...
The BRIC Foundation, dedicated to increasing representation in the entertainment industry, today announced its third annual BRIC Summit, to be held March 5-6. For...
Enter a dark, mysterious forest world on a magical quest in Baba Yaga -- the brand-new immersive experience from six-time Emmy-winning Baobab Studios (Crow:...
Baobab Studios, the independent interactive animation production company, announced today its latest project: Namoo, a virtual reality experience written and directed by acclaimed Korean...
To celebrate their five-year anniversary, Baobab Studios are proud to announce that for the first time, they are publishing a compilation of over 230...
Facebook’s Oculus, Baobab Studios and leading Latin American animation studio 3DAR announced the casting of Archie Yates (Critics' Choice Movie Award Nominee, Best Young...
***This article originally appeared in the August '20 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 302)***
Although the promise and potential of VR/AR is far from being...
The creative stars, aspiring talents and industry gurus of animation gathered at UCLA's Royce Hall on Saturday evening for the 47th Annie Awards. Presented...
Following six Emmy wins, including Best Directing for an Animated Program and Best Interactive Media, Baobab Studios and its Chief Creative Officer, Eric Darnell...
It’s a big day for Baobab Studios as the Annie Award-winning virtual reality animation studio reveals its first trailer, innovative interactive narrative systems and...
Annie and Emmy Award-winning VR/AR entertainment company Baobab Studios has announced its fifth project, Bonfire, starring comedian, writer and actress Ali Wong (American Housewife,...
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