Diamond Comic Distributors has exciting news for animation fans, revealing the design whipped up by acclaimed animation artist Butch Hartman, which will grace the...
Comic-Con International has announced the nominations for the 2016 Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards, as chosen by its panel of judges. The big story...
One of the ways in which DreamWorks Animation Television is fulfilling its deal with Netflix is by adapting its successful features into animated series....
The Free Comic Book Day Committee has selected the twelve Gold Sponsor comic book titles for the comic book industry’s most anticipated annual event,...
DreamWorks Animation optioned the Boom! Studios graphic novel Cow Boy for development as a television series.
Brendan Hay, who is showrunner on the studio's Netflix...
The Free Comic Book Day Committee has selected the twelve Gold Sponsor comic book titles for the comic book industry's most anticipated annual event,...
KaBOOM!, an award-winning imprint of publisher BOOM! Studios, is teaming up with Cartoon Network's licensing and merchandising arm to bring hit animated comedy Uncle...
Cartoon Network Enterprises and comic-book publisher BOOM! Studios have announced a first-look deal — the first of its kind that the network has done...
Diamond Comic Distributors has announced the top comic books and graphic novels (by sales figures) of 2013, with Image Comics' The Walking Dead #115...
Frederator Studio's Kickstarter campaign for its popular online animated series Bee & Puppycat is an official hit. The animation studio announced recently that it...
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