L’Alliance New York announces the programs for the eighth edition of Animation First. Created in 2018, the event has grown into the largest animation...
The Bucheon International Animation Festival (BIAF | biaf.co.kr) has announced 63 titles selected for its shorts competition (44 short films, 11 graduation films. eight TV & commissioned...
The 2024 Ottawa International Animation Festival once again highlights animation as a medium of mature and comedic themes with the announcement of its Commissioned,...
Organizers of the Annecy International Animation Film Festival (Annecy Festival), taking place in France June 9-15, have announced the selections for its always-buzzy Work in Progress...
Peel (Écorce), the hand-drawn short by Swiss-German illustrator and director Samuel Patthey and co-director Silvain Monney, takes an unflinching look at the daily lives...
The 2019 GLAS Animation Festival has announced its official selections for the next edition, taking place March 21-24 in Berkeley, California. The fest received...
More delightful and intriguing programming has been added to the lineup for FMX 2019, taking place April 30-May 3 in Stuttgart, Germany (www.fmx.de). The...
The Ottawa International Animation Festival (OIAF), North America’s leading animation film festival announced the winners of its 2018 competition today at an awards ceremony...
Organizers of Asia’s premiere toon celebration, the Bucheon International Animation Festival in South Korea, have revealed the films screening in its national and international...
An eclectic group of animated shorts and features received special prizes at the 2018 Annecy Animation Festival today. Boris Labbé’s La Chute, Lucia Bulgerhoni’s...
The GLAS Animation Festival, taking place in Berkeley, CA from March 22-25, has announced its first round of guest presenters which includes acclaimed writing-directing...
The 2017 Ottawa International Animation Festival wrapped this weekend with the announcement of this year's Official Competition winners. This year's festival received 1,992 entries,...
The 27th World Festival of Animated Film – Animafest Zagreb ended Saturday with an awards ceremony at Cinema Europa.
The full list of winners follows:
The 2017 GLAS Animation Film Festival -- taking place March 2-5 in Berkeley, California -- has revealed its Official Competition Selections. The event organizers...
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