The Animation Showcase, the industry-only free streaming platform spotlighting acclaimed animated films from around the world, announces the release of the feature Perlimps, by...
Award-winning Brazilian animated feature Tito and the Birds is bringing its world-saving message to home audiences thanks to Shout! Studios. The film will be...
The strikingly artistic, internationally acclaimed Brazilian animated feature Tito and the Birds will be sharing its powerful, timely message in select theaters in several...
Multi-platform distribution/production house Shout! Studios (part of Shout! Factory) is taking wing with North American rights to new Brazilian animated feature Tito and the...
As revealed at the close of last year’s event, the 2018 Annecy International Animation Film Festival will shine a spotlight on Brazilian animation, working...
GKIDS has lead the charge over the last decade in bringing international animation stateside, garnering nine Oscar-nominated entries in its catalogue. This month they've...
The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences has extended membership invitations to 683 distinguished filmmakers, artists and executives “who represent the best in...
GKIDS announces that pre-ordering is now available for the home entertainment release of Isao Takahata's Only Yesterday and Ale Abreu's Boy & the World....
Brazil Animation Takes International Hue
Boy and the World director Ale Abreu and Luiz Bolognesi team up for Voyagers of the Enchanted Forest and Immortals.
Paramount / Starburns Industries
"We are thrilled to be recognized by the Academy, alongside such a great group of animated films. We are grateful for...
ASIFA-Hollywood has announced the nominees for the 43rd annual Annie Awards, which this year includes 36 categories including a new category for Best Animated...
GKIDS has released a fresh trailer for the internationally acclaimed animation feature Boy and the World from Brazilian director Ale Abreu. The multi-award winning...
A new international animated feature will be joining the GKIDS family as the distributor has picked up North American rights to the upcoming Brazilian...
The New York International Children's Film Festival has announced its 2014 jury will include such luminaries as John Canemaker, Bill Plympton and Henry Selick,...
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