Groundbreaking entertainment content and technology company Trioscope, recognized for its proprietary animated drama engine, announced it raised $5.25 million led by BITKRAFT Ventures, a...
Trioscope Studios, the animation studio behind the distinctive hybrid Netflix series The Liberator, has entered a co-production partnership with media conglomerate QC Media Holdings...
Trioscope Studios – the groundbreaking new studio dedicated to next-generation enhanced hybrid animation – announced on Monday a partnership with longform journalism powerhouse Truly*Adventurous...
Veteran producers and entrepreneurs L.C. Crowley and Brandon Barr, along with acclaimed animator and VFX artist Greg Jonkajtys, announced the launch of Trioscope Studios:...
Netflix has ordered a four-part animated drama set in World War II titled The Liberator, based on the book by Alex Kershaw, from creator/writer/exec...
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