Netflix has released the opening credits sequence for its upcoming anime series Scott Pilgrim Takes Off (8 x 25'), featuring custom animation by Science...
Today, Netflix and UCP (a division of Universal Studios Group) confirmed an all-new anime series based on Scott Pilgrim (official title to be announced),...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences held the 92nd Oscars ceremony Sunday night in Hollywood, with the animation winners striking a balance...
Captain Marvel -- the first female-lead superhero movie from the Marvel Cinematic Universe -- has been crushing it, with a $455 million opening (the...
Walt Disney Studios have cemented their 2019 feature film release plans, promising a full year of action-packed spectacles and heartwarming family adventures.
MARCH 8 (Marvel...
The Producers Guild of America announced that Kevin Feige, President of Marvel Studios, will be honored with the 2019 David O. Selznick Achievement AWard...