Istanbul-based animation studio Fauna (Kukuli, Briko, Brody Luckystar), with its new office in the U.K., is tuning up to launch a new preschool show, Moi...
Turkish toon house Fauna Entertainment (Kukuli, Brody Luckystar, Briko) announced a partnership with music label EDZ, owned by Turkish pop star Özgün, to co-produce...
The production arm of Guinness World Records, GWR Studios and Turkish studio Fauna Entertainment (Briko, Kukuli) are partnering to develop a new animated series,...
Following its book-first introduction strategy, Fauna Entertainment has revealed a first look at its new series Brody Luckystar: The Record Breaker (52 x 11')....
Leading Turkish kids's content company Fauna Entertainment is ready to introduce youngsters to a new story world with Brody Luckystar, the Record Breaker. The...
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