Although many fans believe that the new animated take on Bryan Lee O’Malley’s beloved Scott Pilgrim comic-book series is a more faithful adaptation than...
Netflix has released the opening credits sequence for its upcoming anime series Scott Pilgrim Takes Off (8 x 25'), featuring custom animation by Science...
Catch up with more DROP 01 reveals in part one (Devil May Cry announcement, plus Blue Eye Samurai, Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix and Sonic...
Oni Press is joining modern digital comic store and reader app Omnibus to bring the multiple Eisner- and Harvey Award-winning comic book and graphic...
Today, Netflix and UCP (a division of Universal Studios Group) confirmed an all-new anime series based on Scott Pilgrim (official title to be announced),...
Canadian author Bryan Lee O'Malley's hit graphic novel series Scott Pilgrim might get a new, animated screen treatment, with a series adaptation in the...
Comic-Con International is proud to announce the nominations for the Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards for 2015. The nominees, chosen by a blue-ribbon panel...
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