It’s hard to believe that it’s been almost three decades since Cartoon Network introduced the world to an eight-year-old boy genius named Dexter who...
Make way for the Toughest Fairy in the Universe! In tonight's new episode of the just-premiered Nickelodeon animated series The Fairly OddParents: A New Wish —...
Nickelodeon today revealed the official trailer and key art for the all-new original animated series The Fairly OddParents: A New Wish, sharing a glimpse...
Cosmo and Wanda are returning to the fully-animated airwaves in the new Nickelodeon original series, The Fairly OddParents: A New Wish, coming this spring...
DreamWorks Animation is going back to beginning of human civilization for a sixth season of The Croods: Family Tree, premiering with six all-new episodes on...
Butch Hartman — the creator of some of the most successful animated children’s series in Nickelodeon history, including The Fairly OddParents (which ranks as...
Nickelodeon Studios and Paramount+, the streaming service from ViacomCBS, today announced the start of production on The Fairly OddParents (working title), an all-new original...
Legendary animation maestro Fred Seibert and DeZerlin Entertainment, a China-based animation IP development house, have joined forces in a first-ever effort to bring promising..., the new studio that creates global franchises from the YouTube stars and characters loved by Generation Alpha, today announced an extension of their...
’Rick and Morty’ Co-Creator Dan Harmon Deletes Twitter as Disturbing Video Resurfaces
There’s something in the air, with people digging up offensive material out of...
Former Nickelodeon producer and series creator Butch Hartman (Danny Phantom, T.U.F.F. Puppy, Bunsen Is a Beast,The Fairly OddParents) is forming Oaxis Entertainment, a new...
Sony Pictures Animation and Frederator Networks (a WOW! Unlimited Media company) has debuted its first GO! Cartoons incubator short: The Summoning. The fruits of...
Some of the top creative stars working in the animation and visual effects industry shared their valuable knowledge at the sixth edition of Animag’s...
Cross-platform children’s media brand has partnered with famed cartoon creator Butch Hartman (The Fairly OddParents, Danny Phantom, T.U.F.F. Puppy, Bunsen Is a Beast)...
The first-ever Crunchyroll Expo (CRX) is kicking off soon, and the anime experts organizing the event have announced an initial raft of talent appearances,...
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