The 2024 International Animation Film Market (MIFA) has announced its official program running June 11-14 alongside the Annecy Festival. This year, the Market opens...
Ukrainian studio Glowberry (Brave Bunnies) is bringing a brand-new animated series to MIPCOM this week: Mom Hurries Home, based on the series of books by Sveta...
StudioCanal, in partnership with Mercis Media and Superprod Animation (Anna & Friends, Pat the Dog, Song of the Sea), announced plans to develop and...
Emmy Award-winning French animation production and distribution company Dandelooo has teamed up with Canal+ to develop its latest animation project, Gaston Gets It!, a...
Last June, Toon Factory reported having several new projects, both adaptations and original concepts, in development. Two of these projects, How to Squoosh? and...
Meta Media is celebrating the "musifantastic" success of the half-hour Musifants holiday special, which will be airing across Europe this Christmas through new partners...
The Annecy International Animation Film Festival unveiled the winners of its nine Special Prizes on Friday evening during an awards ceremony at the Bonlieu. The...
Leading kids’ entertainment specialist CAKE, France’s La Cabane and Belgium’s Thuristar have announced a deal with Warner Bros. Discovery EMEA for Season 2 of...
The animated preschool Odo has had quite a journey, from early concept stages and creation by Colin Williams (Pajanimals, Pinkalicious & Peterrific) several years...
French distributor Superights ( announced a raft of sales for its animated series catalog in Asian territories:
In Japan, agregator Me Interactive has picked-up...
In this edition: Major deals for Cyber Group Studios, BBC Launches two kids' FAST channels in U.S., Attack on Titan drives anime streamer subscription...
Emmy Award-winning French animation production and distribution company Dandelooo is set to adapt the hugely successful children’s book series Gaston’s Emotions to television.
Based on...
***This article originally appeared in the December '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 315)***
In recent years, I have helped develop two preschool shows that...
SMF Studio (Soyuzmultfilm) will premiere a new animated series Coolics, based on the comic book by the Russian publisher Bubble Comics, during MIPCOM. Creative...
Cartoon Tributes will once again pay homage to European animation champions at Cartoon Forum 2021, the European co-production event for TV and new platform...
Mediawan Rights has picked up international rights to the animated documentary feature Flavors of Iraq (Le Parfum d'Irak), produced by French animation shingle Miyu...
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