A fresh season of anime delights arrives on Crunchyroll soon, bringing more than 40 new, returning and continuing series to fans around the world with...
VIZ Media has acquired rights to the Captain Tsubasa: Junior Youth Arc anime, based off the popular sporting manga created by Yoichi Takahashi. The deal...
VIZ Media Europe, the continent’s leader in Japanese entertainment, has partnered with TF1 Group to broadcast two international hit anime series across France: Captain...
Brand Licensing Europe takes place October 9-11, 2018 in London, UK. (www.brandlicensing.eu)
INK Group will showcase two major titles at stand E70: Zafari and Masha...
Televix Entertainment has secured broadcast placement for new soccer-themed anime series Captain Tsubasa on Cartoon Network Latin America, on behalf of VIZ Media. The...
Anime and manga distribution company VIZ Media, LLC has acquired digital streaming, EST, home video, merchandise rights from Japanese publisher Shueisha Inc. for an...
Humanizing Girls: Conversation with The Emily & Ariel Show Filmmakers Emily Hoffman and Ariel Noltimier Strauss
Selected for the Shorts Program 2 lineup at LA...
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