Newly formed Spire Animation Studio has tapped former creatives from Pixar, Disney, DreamWorks, Blue Sky, and Warner Animation to join its team. According to...
***This article originally appeared in the June-July '21 of Animation Magazine (No. 311)***
On the surface, Pixar's 24th feature Luca is a charming, colorful valentine...
Spire Animation Studios, a new creative voice in animation taking a multidisciplinary approach and bringing together fresh filmmaking voices worldwide, today announced Century Goddess,...
Ahead of the highly-anticipated Season 2 premiere this Friday, Atomic Cartoons and Netflix has revealed first-look character images of the monstrous makeovers given to...
Warner Animation Group’s upcoming Scooby-Doo animated feature, Scoob, has added Mark Wahlberg and Jason Isaacs to the star-powered voice cast, according to The Hollywood...
Vancouver Film School (VFS) announced a new scholarship for its popular 3D Animation and Visual Effects program, in conjunction with Pixar animator Michal Makarewicz....
Disney Channel has ordered a third season of the Emmy-nominated Tangled: The Series, just ahead of the season 2 premiere. The new installment, retitled...
John Lasseter, the Chief Creative Officer at Pixar and Disney Animation Studios, has taken a leave of absence from Pixar due to unspecified "missteps"...
World champion racer Lightning McQueen is burning rubber towards shelves and digital outlets, with his latest Disney-Pixar adventure Cars 3 revvin’ on home on...
A brand-new trailer for Disney-Pixar’s mile-a-minute sequel Cars 3 is burning rubber across the ‘net, giving fans a taste of Lightning McQueen’s latest adventure...
Friday, June 16 will be a big day for major studio animation at the Annecy festival, with Disney-Pixar presenting special screenings and filmmaker appearances...
A new, extended look at Disney-Pixar's Cars 3 debuted Monday night during the College Football Playoff National Championship game, and it looks like fans...
The Walt Disney Studios have released their official 2017 feature release catalog, full of fresh titles, hotly anticipated sequels, a royal revamp … and...
Andrew Coats and Lou Hamou-Lhadj’s computer animated short film Borrowed Time has launched online via Vimeo -- unsurprisingly, as a Vimeo Staff Pick --...
The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences has extended membership invitations to 683 distinguished filmmakers, artists and executives “who represent the best in...
Disney has released a second official trailer for Pixar's upcoming CG animated adventure through prehistory, The Good Dinosaur, in English and Spanish versions. The...
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