Cartoon Movie, the annual co-production and pitching event for European animated feature films, has unveiled the 55 projects from 16 producing countries set to participate...
Indie European co-pro Tales from the Magic Garden, a new stop-motion animated feature based on the children's fairytale book Of Unwanted Things and People by Czech...
Among the many innovative and promising new animated movies unveiled at Cartoon Movie last week was Island of Salamanders. Directed by Catherine Maximoff and...
Europe’s pitching and co-pro event, Cartoon Movie announced the winners of its 2024 edition’s distributor, director and producer of the year awards.
Producer of...
Global animation veterans look forward to the annual Cartoon Movie event in Bordeaux, France, as much as they anticipate the arrival of spring. This...
Cartoon Movie, the pitching and co-production event for European animated films, announced the companies and personalities nominated for the Cartoon Tributes, whose major contributions...
Cartoon Movie, the co-production and pitching event for European animated feature films, has revealed the 55 projects selected to participate in the next edition, taking...
When Pixar veteran Jim Capobianco was working on features such as Ratatouille, Monsters, Inc. and Finding Nemo, he spent his free hours developing a...
Robert Saviano, the acclaimed Italian journalist behind mob exposé Gomorrah, is making his directorial debut with an autobiographical animated feature. The project is an adaptation of...
Here is a brief overview of some of the projects presenting this week at Cartoon Movie 2023 that grabbed our attention. Visit daily...
There are two universal truths about Cartoon Movie, the European animated feature confab which takes place March 7-9 in Bordeaux: There is something for...
Flemish author Sylvia Vanden Heede’s charming children’s books have been lauded for their memorable forest friends (Fox, Hare and Owl) and the beautiful illustrations...
The upcoming Hungarian animated feature Four Souls of Coyote is one of the highly original and anticipated features debuting at Cartoon Movie this month....
Studios, distributors and individuals from 11 European countries have been nominated for the 2023 Cartoon Tributes, which recognize the most outstanding achievements of European...
The Council of Europe’s Eurimages Fund and Cartoon Movie have joined forces in order to award the Eurimages Co-production Development Award. A cash-prize of €20,000, this...
The Selection Commission of Cartoon Movie 2023 have revealed their picks for the upcoming co-production and networking event, with 58 animated feature projects set to...
Following Sky’s successful Up Next showcase event at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, London last night (May 17), where the broadcaster unveiled an exciting...
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