Comedy Central today announced the premiere date of its highly-anticipated adult animated series Everybody Still Hates Chris. The reimagined series starring and executive produced...
While the show will be embarking on its fifth and final animated series mission this fall, the misadventures of the U.S.S. Cerritos B-crew will continue...
The winners of the first Collision Awards ,which honor animation across all disciplines (marketing and communications, commercials, TV, film, experimental, game and XR), were...
Comedy Central today announced the voice cast for its reimagined adult animated series, Everybody Still Hates Chris. Produced by CBS Studios, Chris Rock Enterprises...
On Friday amid the Summer Game Fest festivities, developer Innersloth, adaptation prodco CBS Studios and series creator Owen Dennis (Infinity Train) pointed fans' attention...
CBS Studios and Innersloth today announced that Patton Oswalt (We All Scream), Debra Wilson (MADtv), Phil LaMarr (MADtv) and Wayne Knight (Seinfeld) have been cast to voice characters in Among Us, the upcoming animated...
CBS Studios and Innersloth today announced that Dan Stevens (Downton Abbey), Liv Hewson (Yellowjackets) and Kimiko Glenn(Orange Is the New Black) have been cast to voice characters in Among Us, the...
CBS Studios and game developer Innersloth today announced that Randall Park (Fresh Off The Boat), Ashley Johnson (The Last of Us), Yvette Nicole Brown (Community) and Elijah Wood (The Lord of the Rings...
The creators of the smash-hit space-traitor game Among Us have dropped another sneak peek image from the upcoming animated series, in production with CBS Studios'...
Video game creator Innersloth today released a surprise sneak-peek image from the upcoming Among Us animated series across its social feeds. Produced by CBS...
The crew of the U.S.S. Cerritos is ready for their next Starfleet mission in Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 4, premiering on streaming platform Paramount+ with...
At the edge of the universe ... At the brink of destruction ... somebody has to handle waste removal.
Paramount+ today revealed the official trailer...
Nothing sus here: CBS Studios is reportedly developing viral hit game Among Us into an animated series through its CBS Eye Animation Productions division, producing...
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