School on Wheels has released a new animated short To the Letter, created by participants of the CBS Leadership Pipeline Challenge. The animated short...
There's a new kids' animation player in town! Writers, producers, EPs and content creators Omar Spahi and Dillon Gemmill this week officially announce the...
The Peabody Awards Board of Jurors has selected 60 nominees that represent the most compelling and empowering stories released in broadcasting and streaming media...
Animator, writer and executive Joe Ruby -- who, with partner Ken Spears, created beloved Saturday morning cartoons such as Hanna-Barbera's Jabberjaw, Dynomutt and the...
As part of the Republican National Convention phase of CBS All Access' Tooning Out: Election 2020 coverage, former White House Director of Communications Anthony...
CBS All Access, ViacomCBS' digital subscription video on-demand and live-streaming service, has revealed the official trailer and key art for its new half-hour animated...
Nickelodeon has struck a multiplatform deal with James Corden and Ben Winston, and their production company Fulwell 73, to produce an animated movie and...
CBS All Access, CBS’ digital subscription video on-demand and live-streaming service, announced Tuesday morning that production will resume on its new animated variety news...
The Visual Effects Society (VES) announced its 2020 Board of Directors officers. The officers, who comprise the VES Board Executive Committee, were elected at...
Multi-Emmy-winning producer, writer and director Lee Mendelson, who brought the iconic Peanuts gang to animation in the classic 1965 special A Charlie Brown Christmas,...
Maxon, the developers of professional 3D software solutions, and Red Giant, creators of unique tools for editors, VFX artists and motion designers, cooperatively announced...
CBS All Access, CBS’ digital SVOD and live streaming service, began its rollout of children’s programming on Monday. The service also announced that a...
Despite its recent troubles with China, Comedy Central's tentpole adult toon South Park has sparked a half-billion-dollar bidding war as it tests the waters...
CBS Corp. and Viacom Inc. are going ahead on their long-frustrated merger, combining forces for a stronger foothold in a rapidly evolving market. If...
Emmy and Peabody Award-winning children’s TV creator, voice-over artist and director Stu Rosen died of cancer early Sunday morning at 80 years of age....
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