Walt Disney Animation Studios has announced that its extreme mountain man character Kristoff from the upcoming animated comedy-adventure Frozen will be voiced by Tony...
The Writers Guild of America, West (WGAW) and the Writers Guild of America, East (WGAE) have announced nominations for outstanding achievement in television, news, radio,...
Nickelodeon has scheduled the new stop-motion special It’s A SpongeBob Christmas! on Sunday, Dec. 9, at 7:30 p.m. following its CBS television premiere on...
Animation Block Party (www.animationblock.com) is the premier animation festival of the East Coast. In this interview series, the founder of ABP, Casey Safron will...
Many enduring Hollywood careers have begun inauspiciously, but legendary voice actress Lucille Bliss’s tenure in Toon Town began by being taken for a ride...literally.
The Animation Guild and the Alliance of Motion Picture & Television Producers announced that they have reached a deal on a new collective bargaining...
This year marks the big 5-O for beloved characters the Berenstain Bears—who first appeared in Jan and Stan Berenstain’s illustrated children’s book The Big...
How the team at Illumination Entertainment put a shiny new 3-D polish on Dr. Seuss’ cautionary, environmentally themed The Lorax.
More than 40 years after...
Classic Media is adding another top brand to its family entertainment portfolio by announcing a new relationship with Hallmark that will launch with a...
The Art Institute of California - Los Angeles, an educational institution for career preparation in the visual and culinary arts, announces its inaugural animation...
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