Jam Filled Entertainment, a Boat Rocker company, is once again calling on diverse animation students from six leading Canadian post-secondary institutions, to apply for...
Corus Entertainment’s world-leading children’s animated content producer and distributor Nelvana has appointed Brandon Lane as Development Producer, to help shepherd its rapidly growing library...
Switch VFX & Animation has announce the creation of an Animation Scholarship at Conestoga College, adding to its roster of Ontario partner schools for...
Canada’s Youth Media Alliance announces the appointment of Sarah Haasz, Director of Original Production for DHX Television, as a member of its board of...
Five Canadian colleges with outstanding animation and visual effects programs have been chosen to grant the Switch VFX & Animation Scholarship Awards -- $1,000...
Leading Canadian producer-distributor Breakthrough Entertainment announces the latest addition to its executive team, with the appointment of Suzanne Wilson as Vice President, Family Entertainment....
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