The Quirino Awards for Ibero-American Animation announced the winners of its 5th edition on Saturday, recognizing works from Brazil, Mexico, Chile and Spain. The...
The program of the 29th Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film (ITFS), which will take place on-site in Stuttgart, Germany and online May 3-8,...
The Ibero-American Animation Quirino Awards have announced the titles nominated for their fifth edition, which will be held from May 12-14 in San Cristóbal...
The Netherlands' energetic, artistic and not-to-be-missed animation event Kaboom Festival is ready to present another exciting program for its hybrid 2022 event, themed "Myths...
Brazilian writer-director Cesar Cabral’s 2021 stop-motion feature Bob Spit: We Do Not Like People has been a favorite on the festival circuit since it...
Annecy Contrechamp Award-winning feature Bob Spit - We Do Not Like People, directed by Brazilian filmmaker Cesar Cabral, is bringing animated attitude to the...
North America's largest event of its kind, the Ottawa International Animation Festival announced the winners of the 45th Anniversary of the Festival on Friday,...
The winners of Annecy International Animation Festival, which was held both online and in person this year, were announced today (Saturday, June 19th).
Here is...
After more than a year with no in-person animation gatherings, mad dashes through airports to catch a connection or joyful reunions with friends and...
While the general public doesn’t think of the Cannes Film Festival (May 14-25) as the prime spot for premiering animated projects, this auteur-driven event...
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