The new stereoscopic 3-D, CG-animated take on the world of beloved silent film icon Charlie Chaplin will premiere in primetime in various territories during...
Canadian CG house Rainmaker Entertainment’s short Luna came out on top at the California International Shorts Festival (CISF), picking up its first major festival...
SMC Entertainment (SMC), the recently launched brand management division of Sun-Mate Corp. will attend and the American Toy Fair in February 2012, with its...
In what is shaping up to be the "battle of the family movies" Thanksgiving weekend, Sony/Aardman’s Arthur Christmas, Disney’s The Muppets and Paramount’s Hugo...
The Spanish live-action/CG hybrid feature Copito de Nieve (Snow Flake the White Gorilla) is beginning to receive attention on the festival circuit before its...
Brand management and entertainment studio Moonscoop and French producer 3D Duo will launch a new social online game based on the animated series Code...
How the wizards at Aardman joined forces with Sony Animation to deliver the poignant and funny CG-animated holiday adventure, Arthur Christmas.
Santa Claus and animation...
Universal Pictures has bought French animation studio Mac Guff Ligne for Illumination Entertainment, according to Illumination and Mac Guff worked together on CG-animated...
The best-selling iPad application based on the award-winning CG short The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore is getting a new seasonal makeover...
Warner Bros. has given the go-ahead to the upcoming Lego movie, based on the popular Danish construction toy, reports Variety. The feature, which will...
Technicolor has revealed its collaboration with Mattel’s Barbie brand for the popular character’s latest DVD feature, Barbie: A Perfect Christmas. The doll’s 22nd CG-animated...
Portsmouth Pictures and Great Highway Company have completed the CG-animated direct-to-video feature The Littlest Angel, set for release November 15. The film, based on...
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