When an animation project originates from the delightfully twisted mind of Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist and celebrated author Berkeley Breathed, the creator of Bloom County...
Produced by Aniventure (Animal Farm, Stitch Head) and distributed by Viva Pictures (2023 Sundance Film Festival selection The Amazing Maurice) with animation by Cinesite...
Watch your fatback, Porky: U.K. based international agent GFM Animation is ready to introduce a new porcine animation star to the market, launching sales...
Paramount+ today released the official trailer and key art for Season 2 of Rugrats, following Nickelodeon's adventurous babies as they explore the world and...
Today Hulu announced its partnership with OVFX Studios, the animation studio from The Outlook Company, that will make the streaming service the new home for...
***This article originally appeared in the December '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 315)***
Even if you are a casual observer of the animation and...
Paramount+, the streaming service from ViacomCBS, today announced the renewal of the original series Rugrats for a second season (13 episodes) in the U.S.,...
Paramount+, the streaming service from ViacomCBS, today revealed the trailer and key art for the all-new Rugrats, following the even bigger adventures born from...
***This article originally ran in the December ‘19 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 295)***
In 1982, artist and writer Dave Stevens introduced comic-book readers to...
A new comedic, animated adventure series for kids inspired by Dave Stevens’ beloved superhero comic and Disney’s live-action feature film, The Rocketeer announced its...
Following the news that global streaming giant Netflix had snapped up the highly anticipated Nickelodeon movie, fans around the world can now look forward...
On Saturday, Viacom President & CEO Bob Bakish announced during the company's Q2 Earnings conference call that its Nickelodeon studio has presold upcoming TV...
Nickelodeon is planning a whirlwind tour through must-visit classic cartoon locales to Comic-Con International San Diego 2017. From July 20-23, attendees can step into...
Nickelodeon has confirmed that a cavalcade of cast members from the original ‘90s series will reprise their roles for the brand-new, original, hour-long TV...
This summer, Disney offers a special treat for toon heads and comic-book fans as Phineas and Ferb encounter the Marvel Universe.
This summer, a little...
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