As Illumination’s animated Nintendo adventure The Super Mario Bros. Movie continues to break box office records across the globe, the star-studded feature film will...
Shattering box-office records and generating over a billion dollars worldwide, Nintendo and Illumination’s video game-inspired animated gut The Super Mario Bros. Movie will be...
Illumination/Nintendo’s colorful, Easter egg-riddled video game adventure The Super Mario Bros. Movie continues to blast through box-office levels, attaining feats all the more impressive in the...
The intrepid plumber brothers are ready for their big screen restart in the new, fully-animated and eagerly (or for some, warily) anticipated new joint...
Plumbing the depths of gaming nostalgia in a candy-colored CG landscape, The Super Mario Bros. Movie is joyously sprinting toward a spring theatrical release...
Amid the flurry of live-action blockbuster trailers and tweetable commercials debuted during Sunday's Big Game, Universal dropped a delightfully retro-style promo for Illumination's fully-animated The...
"There's a huge universe out there, with a lot of galaxies. They're all counting on us...
...No pressure!"
That's how Princess Peach (voiced by Anya Taylor-Joy...
***This feature originally appeared in the December '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 325)***
Interest in animated feature projects continues to grow, so it’s never...
LAIKA President & CEO Travis Knight today announced the voice cast for Wildwood, the Oscar-, BAFTA- and Golden Globe-winning animation studio’s next feature film. The...
Shrek's swashbuckling Cat-anova will be milking a few more months out of his ninth life, with Universal Pictures pushing the release date for Puss in...
Something wonderful is coming down the pipes: Illumination and Nintendo’s new Super Mario Bros. animated film is officially heading to theaters in time for...
***This article originally appeared in the February ‘19 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 287)***
Few films in recent years have surprised viewers more than 2014’s...
Rooster Teeth’s premium SVOD has ordered eight episodes of original animated dark comedy Spikeface from RCG, the production company of Rob McElhenney, Charlie Day...
Everything will be awesome this summer: Warner Bros. Home Entertainment and Village Roadshow Pictures will be releasing Phil Lord and Chris Miller's The LEGO...
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