A phobia-ridden young boy must face the primal power of darkness in the absorbing new DreamWorks Animation's fantasy-adventure Orion and the Dark. This entertaining...
Netflix and DreamWorks Animation have shone new light on the upcoming animated feature Orion and the Dark, debuting the official trailer and announcing the voice...
DreamWorks Animation and Netflix have revealed new details about Orion and The Dark, their upcoming 2024 feature based on a script by Oscar-winning writer...
***This article originally appeared in Animation Magazine’s 2019 International Education & Career Guide***
Animation lovers marked this past holiday season as the 25th anniversary of...
Last week, Lucia Bulgheroni’s acclaimed stop-motion short Inanimate received the Third Prize at the Cannes Festival Cinéfondation competition. The Cinéfondation and Short Films Jury...
Director Kariem Saleh's inventive and poignant CG-animated short Song of a Toad was picked as the 2017 SIGGRAPH festival’s Best of Show. The talented...
Jason Bateman Praises the ‘Positive and Incredibly Timely’ Message of Disney’s ‘Zootopia’
The voice star was enthusiastic (if slightly damp) at the Disney film’s premiere...
Paramount / Starburns Industries
"We are thrilled to be recognized by the Academy, alongside such a great group of animated films. We are grateful for...
Why Can't an Animated Film Be Nominated for Best Director at the Oscars?
ScreenCrush editor Mike Sampson laments snubs for Charlie Kaufman, Pete Docter.
NYICFF Kids...
The Producers Guild of America has announced the nominees for the PGA Awards, long considered one of the best Oscars predictors.
The list of animation...
This article originally appeared in the December 2015 issue of Animation Magazine.
Charlie Kaufman is lauded as one of the most creative writers in the...
The Hollywood Foreign Press Association nominated Dec. 10 five films for the Best Motion Picture — Animated category in the 73rd annual Golden Globe...
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