Animation and children’s TV executive Michael Carrington has announced his retirement after decades of trailblazing work. His career spanned decades of exec producing award-winning...
YouTube Originals Kids and Families today announced the second season pick-up of Super Sema. The African animated series, produced by a female-led team including...
YouTube Originals has released the official trailer for Super Sema, voiced by Academy Award-winning actress and author Lupita Nyong’o. The brand new animated series...
U.K. digital service for preschoolers and parents OobEdoO has acquired three major titles to add to its growing roster of quality kids’ programming, including...
Cartoon Forum, the leading platform for European animated TV series being held in Toulouse, France September 12-14, will include seven pitches, which were created...
Acclaimed Brit studio Aardman Animations has completed The Itch of the Golden Nit, a production with Tate Media, using the animation software CelAction2D. The...
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