Tomorrow Studios, a partnership between Marty Adelstein and ITV Studios, has finalized a joint venture with Emmy Award-winning animation television veteran Nick Weidenfeld to...
Hulu is looking to step up its adult-targeted toon offerings, having signed a first-look deal with Nick Weidenfeld, to develop and executive produce new...
HBO will premiere a new animated series from production house Duplass Brothers TV, Animals, on Friday, February 5 at 11:30 p.m. ET/PT. The adult-targeted...
FXX has preemptively nixed the female lead action-buddy comedy Cassius and Clay before its TV debut, Hollywood Reporter has confirmed. The 10-episode series was...
Adult Swim announced its upfront lineup to advertisers, with announced new series veering more toward live-action than animation.
Animated offerings include the previously announced Mike...
Turner Broadcasting System's Animation, Young Adults & Kids Media division has announced that Jim Babcock has been promoted to Vice President, Consumer Marketing for...
+ Adult Swim, the mature auds-targeted basic cable network, has launched live streaming functionality on and via the Watch app for iOS...
In a restructuring move, Turner Broadcasting's young adults and kids media group has made new executive appointments to aid a strategy of aligning content,...
Adult Swim has unveiled its packed schedule for this year's Comic-Con event in San Diego. Show panels run from Thursday to Saturday, featuring creators,...
Complete previous seasons of popular Cartoon Network/Adult Swim and Warner Bros. Animation toons will be coming to Netflix’s hit SVOD service thanks to a...
Adult Swim officially announced its full slate of new and returning programming at its annual Upfront presentation in New York City. After having its...
Cartoon Network's famous Adult Swim block has announced its plans for its 2011 Block Party, featuring zany carnival games, live music, balloons and “lots...
Design, motion graphics and live-action production company Stardust has expanded into new Santa Monica offices to accomodate its growing roster of directors, animators, producers and...
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