Spanish director Salvador Simó stepped into the global animation spotlight with his 2018 indie biopic Buñuel in the Labyrinth of the Turtles, which won...
Descendants: The Royal Wedding, an animated special that invites viewers to Auradon's epic social event — Mal and King Ben's wedding — will premiere...
Pop in your vampire teeth, give your werewolf a flea bath and settle in for the latest, festive installment of Broken Karaoke!
The short-form series...
The countdown to Halloween begins with plenty of Disney TV animation debuts throughout October. Highlights of the month include an original stop-motion seasonal short...
Behind the Scenes at the Disney “Morgue” Where Animation History Is Being Saved
Gizmodo delves into this important temple of preservation, where fragments and ephemera...
Russian studio Wizart’s CG animated comedy-adventure Sheep and Wolves is ready to win over moviegoers in new countries beginning this Friday, April 6. The...
Barajoun Entertainment’s much buzzed-about animated historical epic Bilal: A New Breed of Hero will make its US theatrical debut on February 2, 2018 through...
Over Martin Luther King Jr. Weekend, Warner Bros. Television Group and DC Entertainment will bring their hit TV series and comic-book worlds to Washington,...
Wizart Animation has found the stars for its English-language version of Sheep ‘n’ Wolves -- it’s new, original CG animated feature produced with CTB...
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