GFM Animation has boarded animated feature comedy Molesworth to handle worldwide distribution sales, working with production studio Lupus Films and producers Camilla Deakin and...
Co-host of CBS Mornings and CBS Sports Analyst Nate Burleson and digital superstar Charli D’Amelio will embark on an immersive and slime-tastic adventure as co-hosts of Nickelodeon’s Kids’...
Netflix was the big animation winner at last night’s Creative Emmy Awards. The streamers acclaimed shows Arcane, and Love, Death + Robots (“Jibaro”) won...
The Television Academy revealed today (Tuesday, July 12) the nominees for the 74th Emmy Awards. In a live-streamed announcement, presenters JB Smoove (Curb Your...
***This article was written for the 35th Anniversary issue of Animation Magazine (June/July '22, No. 321)***
Whether you remember them as chattering foils for Pluto...
This month across Disney's content outlets, animation highlights include the new Disney+ original hybrid movie Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers as well as the...
Paris-based Technicolor announced the breakdown of its 2021 activities during the Board of Directors meeting on Thursday, confirming plans to list and spin-off a...
The monster-bashing, magic-blasting, bird-flipping adventures of the world's greatest mercenaries reach a crescendo this week with the Friday (Feb. 18) Season 1 Finale of...
Disney Animation's intrepid chipmunk brothers are the next beloved cartoons to get the "live-action" feature treatment, with news emerging that the hybrid adaptation of...
Actor, writer, director, producer and general showbiz dynamo Frank Buxton -- who created the Peabody Award-winning NBC series Hot Dog (1970-71) and touched the...
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