Today, during the Annecy International Animation Film Festival, Disney Branded Television (DBT) announced a lineup of new animated projects and shared first looks from...
Today, NASA astronaut Scott Kelly was charged with a very fun mission: Debuting the official trailer for the animated Disney Channel Original Movie Big City...
For this year's ever-inspiring Annecy International Animated Film Festival, Walt Disney Animation Studios, Pixar Animation Studios and Disney Branded Television will unveil a handpicked selection...
Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation, an original, music-filled comedy-adventure from the creators of Disney Channel’s hit animated series Big City Greens, will debut...
Chris Houghton and Shane Houghton, the sibling duo who created and executive produce Disney Channel's multi-Emmy-nominated animated series Big City Greens, have signed on to...
Something huge is in store for the Green family in this weekend's brand-new episode of Emmy- and Annie Award-winning animated series Big City Greens,...
The Houghton brothers — Chris and Shane — creators and executive producers of the animated comedy Big City Greens, will join the echelon of format-leaping...
Disney Channel has ordered a third season of its hit Emmy Award-nominated animated comedy Big City Greens. Series creators and executive producers, brothers Chris...
Season two of the hit animated comedy-adventure series Big City Greens premieres Saturday, Nov. 16 (9:30 a.m. EST/PST), on Disney Channel and DisneyNOW. Created...
Disney Television Animation has revealed its panel plans for New York Comic Con, bringing together fans and creators in NYC’s Javits Center from October...
Shane and Chris Houghton’s Animated Guide to City Life
When brothers Shane and Chris Houghton were growing up in St. Johns, Michigan, they were used...
Disney TV has ordered a second helping of upcoming original animated comedy-adventure series Big City Greens, set to premiere Monday, June 18 (9:30 a.m....
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