Since its premiere in May 2020, Solar Opposites — Hulu’s adult animated “silly aliens in suburbia” show has entertained audiences and surpassed expectations. This...
After a period of cosmic interference, the dysfunctional ETs of animated Hulu Original series Solar Opposites have settled a fourth season of wildly bizarre, hilarious...
Netflix has dropped a fully rocking, explosive and outrageous trailer for Agent Elvis, the new adult animated comedy series from Sony Pictures Animation that sees...
Shout! Factory is giving more fan-favorite anime features the SteelBook treatment at summer's end. In partnership with GKIDS, the upcoming enhanced releases include Perfect...
New 'Solar Opposites' S2 Trailer Enters The Wall
Find out what everyone's favorite struggling society of shrink-rayed humans is up to in the new spot...
The official trailer for upcoming Hulu adult animated series Solar Opposites has officially crash-landed on our unprepared planet, ready to laser blast your eyeballs...
***This story originally appeared in the June/July ‘19 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 291)***
In the last three Toy Story films, audiences have followed Woody,...
Disneytoon Studio's 2014 Tinker Bell movie, The Pirate Fairy, has posted a brand new trailer online. The swashbuckling new adventure centers on Zarina (voiced...
Goro Miyazaki’s acclaimed 2D animated feature From Up on Poppy Hill (Kokuriko-Zaka Kara) will begin its New York run this Friday, thanks to indie studio...
GKIDS, distributor of the latest award-winning feature effort from Japan's Studio Ghibli From Up On Poppy Hill has announced the film has been nominated...
Indie distributor GKIDS has announced its English language voice cast picks for the North American release of Studio Ghibli’s From Up on Poppy Hill,...
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