Warner Bros. Animation (WBA), Cartoon Network Studios (CNS) and Hanna-Barbera Studios Europe (HBSE) will return to the Annecy International Animation Film Festival with a...
Following a sold-out engagement last February at Guadalajara’s Conjunto Santander de Artes Escénica, Bugs Bunny at the Symphony is returning to Mexico with a...
Family animation continues to feel the brunt of post-merger Warner Bros. Discovery's write-down efforts and content cuts. As of December 31, HBO Max has...
News is circulating in the Hollywood animation community that animator Carl Angus Bell — a prolific artist whose 41-year career carried him across diverse...
***This article was written for the January '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 316)***
Nicolás Villarreal’s new short On/Off has been receiving great reviews and...
In Nickelodeon Animation's upcoming Netflix Original The Loud House Movie, put-upon only brother Lincoln Loud discovers he is the sole heir to the Scottish...
Biographer John Canemaker once wrote that Mary Blair's conceptual paintings for such films as Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan and Cinderella were "as delicious...
The largest collections of one-of-a-kind production cels from the 1959 classic Sleeping Beauty, as well as animation drawings, storyboards, concept art, backgrounds, model sheets...
***An abridged version of this interview originally appeared in the June-July '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 311)***
Just in time for the 2021 Emmy...
Longtime The Simpsons animator and assistant director Edwin Aguilar has died following his hospitalization due to a massive stroke. The talented cartoonist, martial arts...
Those who’ve been following YouTube’s wild world of animation are familiar with Ross Bollinger and his hugely popular 2D animated series and channel Pencilmation....
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