The trailer has dropped for the latest installment in the Marvel Rising series of animated specials, Marvel Rising: Playing with Fire -- debuting December...
At Anaheim's WonderCon on Sunday, Marvel's animation contingent premiered Marvel Rising: Heart of Iron and announced three upcoming specials in the franchise will be...
A new generation of heroes is ready to rise again as the new 22-minute animated special Marvel Rising: Chasing Ghosts will premiere Wednesday, January...
Fans of action-packed superhero animation, rejoice! Marvel Rising: Secret Warriors has arrive on the Marvel HQ YouTube channel. The movie debuted Wednesday with a...
Following the successful launch of the Marvel Rising: Initiation shorts and the movie Secret Warriors, Marvel Entertainment has announced more adventures for the animated...
Marvel Entertainment has unmasked a brand-new trailer for the animated film Marvel Rising: Secret Warriors, which premieres Sunday, September 30 at 10 p.m. ET/PT...
Marvel Entertainment will be bringing the next generation of superheroes to animated life in Marvel Rising -- a fresh, multiplatform franchise set to launch...
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