Family audiences can embark on an exciting adventure with an unlikely, furry hero in Panda Bear in Africa, debuting on Digital on January 28, 2025. The...
Canadian animation company ICON Creative Studio has signed Owen Wilson (Cars, Wedding Crashers) to voice “Charlie” in the CG superhero adventure Charlie the Wonderdog....
Warner Bros. Discovery has confirmed a wide theatrical release for Buffalo Kids in the United Kingdom and Ireland starting October 11, with previews the...
A fuzzier fish-out-of-water tale is headed to North American theaters, as Shout! Studios announces it has acquired all rights to the family animated feature...
.We had a chance to catch up with Edward Noeltner, well-respected industry veteran and president of Beverly Hills-based international sales company, Cinema Management Group,...
Having just won three British Animation Awards (for Best Picture, Best Screenplay and Best Original Music) in March, Kensuke's Kingdom has expanded its realm, singing an...
Just after winning the Grand Prize - Audience Award at the 27th New York International Children’s Film Festival (NYICFF), Lupus Films and international sales...
Blue Fox Entertainment is bringing another Stephen Fry-starring animated jaunt to North American theaters, teaming up with Shout! Studios to conjure the British CGI...
***This feature originally appeared in the December '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 325)***
Which animated features are going for Oscar gold on March 13,...
Peruvian animation studio Tunche Films has partnered with global animation major Toonz Media Group to co-produce Kayara through its Spain-based Fortoon Island, following the...
Cinema Management Group (CMG), executive producer and international sales agent for the Peruvian/Dutch CGI animated feature AINBO: Spirit of the Amazon (, is reporting...
Cinema Management Group has announced global kids and family entertainment company Toonz Media Group will be joining an impressive ensemble of producers/animation studios --...
Beverly Hills-based Cinema Management Group has played an important role in bringing internationally produced animated features to fans around the world since it was...
Over 7,000 industry professionals from more than 70 countries are expected to gather in Santa Monica, California for the annual American Film Market (Nov....
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