The producers behind the upcoming animated fantasy Fairyheart announce that the Council of Europe co-production fund Eurimages has elected to support the film with...
God’s Gang Ltd. (, the production company behind animation series God’s Gang led by former Disney Channels executive Nimrod Avraham May, announced the addition...
The Annecy Jury Prize-winning animated feature Four Souls of Coyote has been picked as the official entry for Hungry in the International Oscar category...
The upcoming Hungarian animated feature Four Souls of Coyote is one of the highly original and anticipated features debuting at Cartoon Movie this month....
Multi-award-winning Hungarian animation studio Cinemon Entertainment has unveiled a teaser trailer for its upcoming animation feature Four Souls of Coyote. Made with support from...
Paris-based productor and distributor ZED will handle worldwide distribution of Lina’s World (French title: Les Voyages d’Ismaël), an original 2D-animated series that explores --...
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