When an animation project originates from the delightfully twisted mind of Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist and celebrated author Berkeley Breathed, the creator of Bloom County...
Leading animation & VFX indie Cinesite is adding to its roster of top-notch international studios by acquiring Montreal-based animation outfit L'Atelier Animation, the companies...
***This article originally appeared in the Sept./Oct. '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 313)***
We've all heard about Okie families of the 1930s traveling across...
The new animated feature Fe@rless began streaming on Netflix this month. Produced by animation veteran John Williams (Shrek, Space Chimps) and directed by Cory...
L.A.-based Align has enlisted with animated comedy Blazing Samurai, contributing production financing to the $46 million CG project. Currently in production with Aniventure at...
London- and Montreal-based studio Cinesite has hired industry mainstay Marianne O’Reilly as Chief Operating Officer for its feature animation studio in Quebec. Based out...
The Vancouver Economic Commission (VEC) and nine top animation studios from "Hollywood North" have ascended the French alps for the 56th Annual Annecy International...
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