Ryo Orikasa, whose latest work, Miserable Miracle, won the top animated short prize at the Ottawa International Animation Festival in September, first became interested...
Academy Award-nominated French animation studio Xilam Animation’s new CG-animated slapstick comedy series Karate Sheep (78 x 7’) is making its worldwide premiere on Netflix...
Dandelooo’s partner studio Ooolala today published the company’s complete carbon footprint for the year 2022, available here. Launched in 2018, Ooolala was designed from its...
Seven broadcasters across four different countries have boarded the brand new animated series Audrey’s Shelter from French production company Watch Next Media (Boy Girl...
***This article originally appeared in the Sept./Oct. '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 323), distributed at Cartoon Forum***
Among the many charming animated shows debuting...
The Oscar-qualifying HollyShorts Film Festival has wrapped its 18th edition, after 10 days of compelling short film programming at the TCL Chinese 6 Theatres in...
Cloudco Entertainment in the United States, in conjunction with co-production partners, Watchnext Media in France and Kavaleer Productions in Ireland, announced the greenlight and...
The tension between studios and cinema operators accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic is continuing to send aftershocks through the industry. Having set an emergency...
Europe's premiere animation project pitch event Cartoon Forum returned to Toulouse last month for three in-person days, with extra time added through the event's...
eOne, Hasbro's global entertainment studio, announced the global launch of a brand-new kids' animated series Ninja Express. The absurd 2D/3D mix animated comedy, developed...
Last June, CITIA, the organizers of the Annecy International Animation Film Festival, announced the creation of the arts residency "Graphic development for animation feature...
Cloudco Entertainment in the United States, in conjunction with co-production partners Watchnext Media in France and Kavaleer Productions in Ireland, are pleased to announce...
Publisher and co-producer ARTE, with co-producers AtlasV, 3DAR, Ryot and HTC Vive Originals, are happy to announce that Gloomy Eyes, a VR animation movie...
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