Producer-distributor Studio 100 International and film/TV prodco Caligari, both based in Munich, have joined forces with Studio 100 Group's Studio Isar Animation (Germany) and...
The Cartoon Movie feature co-production event wrapped up Thursday night in Bordeaux, France with the presentation of the 2019 Cartoon Tributes and the Eurimages...
The Cartoon Movie animated features pitching and co-pro event has announced the finalists for Cartoon Tributes 2019. The awards honor outstanding contribution to the...
German indie production house Caligari Films has appointed Team Entertainment to represent the first and second seasons of its charming CG-animated preschool series Coconut...
Following the success of the first feature film outing (which achieved worldwide sales) and TV series (sold in over 20 territories), family entertainment company...
ZDF Enterprises has announced its programming lineup for the 2016 MIPTV market next month. Among weight European dramas and upbeat format offerings, the company...
Cartoon Movie, the European pitching and co-production event for animated features, has announced the finalists in the running for Cartoon Tributes at the 2016...
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