This week, Comedy Central takes viewers on an animated visit back to the world of Chris Rock’s autobiographical family comedy Everybody Hates Chris. The...
Comedy Central today revealed the official trailer for Everybody Still Hates Chris and announced the all-star guest lineup. The reimagined series starring and executive produced by...
The Griffins are coming to spread their irreverent primetime animated antics to another channel, with the news that Comedy Central will launch Family Guy...
The assembly of entertainment icons across motion pictures, television, live theater/performance, radio, recording and sports who will next year receive Stars on the Hollywood...
Comedy Central today announced the voice cast for its reimagined adult animated series, Everybody Still Hates Chris. Produced by CBS Studios, Chris Rock Enterprises...
Nearly two years since making a star-studded voice cast announcement for the project, MTV Entertainment has confirmed that it will not go ahead with...
Paramount+ today announced that the service’s next South Park exclusive event, South Park: Joining the Panderverse, will premiere Friday, October 27 in the U.S. and...
Today, Comedy Central announced its partnership with Yes, And… Laughter Lab to launch the all-new digital series The Drawing Board, which will highlight the...
Season 26 of South Park continues with Wednesday's brand-new episode of the Comedy Central mainstay. Premiering March 22 at 10 p.m. ET/PT, "DiKimble's Hot Dogs"...
Paramount Global today unveiled Paramount Shop (, its first global direct-to-consumer e-commerce site with products spanning the company’s portfolio of current hits to beloved...
The streaming wars are getting quite serious now! HBO Max’s parent company Warner Bros. Discovery has filed a lawsuit against Paramount Global accusing it...
Today, Comedy Central launched the first-look trailer and announced the guest stars set to appear in the new adult animated adventure comedy series, Digman! The...
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