Comedy Central released the official trailer for season two of Stoopid Buddy Stoodios' Blark and Son, the puppet digital series created by Ben Bayouth...
Brooklyn-based animation studio Cartuna has tapped Mike Flavin as its new SVP, Head of Development. He joins the studio behind Comedy Central's improvised animated...
Fox is in development on another new animated series inspired by the hit supernatural investigation series The X-Files. The comedy spin-off, The X-Files: Albuquerque...
This week, popular social app Snapchat is premiering a new animated series from indie Brooklyn outfit Augenblick Studios: Death Hacks. The 2D horror comedy...
ViacomCBS Networks International (VCNI) is launching a premium streaming service internationally, appealing to audiences of all ages with a competitively priced and super-sized selection...
Comedy Central released the official trailer for Loafy, the original, improvised animated digital series created, written and voiced by Bobby Moynihan (Saturday Night Live,...
ViacomCBS Networks International (VCNI), a unit of ViacomCBS Inc., has announced three key Youth & Entertainment leadership appointments. Reporting to Kerry Taylor, Executive Vice...
Comedy Central announced Wednesday an expansive deal with Emmy Award-winning Mike Judge to reimagine MTV’s seminal, Gen X-defining animated comedy Beavis and Butt-Head, as...
Columbia Pictures has acquired the rights to develop Geoff Rodkey's middle-grade comedy sci-fi novel We're Not from Here as a hybrid live-action/animated feature film....
ViacomCBS Networks Americas announced its global channels MTV, Nickelodeon, Nick Jr., Comedy Central and Paramount Channel are available on the DIRECTV GO Over-The-Top (OTT)...
Four-time Emmy nominee Abbi Jacobson has joined the cast of Sony Pictures Animation’s upcoming family comedy The Mitchells vs. the Machines as “Katie Mitchell,”...
ViacomCBS has unveiled a management restructure of its international networks division, which is intended to leverage the company’s expanded operations post-merger to drive new...
Fox is in development on another new animated comedy series, Variety reports. Dubbed Temporary Humans, the show centers on a hapless 20-something named Jake...
WarnerMedia’s HBO Max is busily building up its animation slate, with more exciting announcements for both grown-up fans and kids & family audiences revealed...
Despite its recent troubles with China, Comedy Central's tentpole adult toon South Park has sparked a half-billion-dollar bidding war as it tests the waters...
Following a recent Season 23 episode of Comedy Central's South Park which aimed its stick firmly at Hollywood’s perceived creative acquiescence to the censors...
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