Adult Swim today revealed the official trailer and premiere date for its upcoming animated series Common Side Effects, dropping this winter. From Joe Bennett (Scavengers Reign)...
Adult Swim returns to New York Comic Con with can’t-miss panels featuring appearances from Rick and Morty executive producer Dan Harmon and Lazarus creator...
The Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) announces the return of SCAD AnimationFest to Atlanta from September 26-28. The highly anticipated three-day festival...
Adult Swim today unveiled plans today for San Diego Comic-Con which includes an ongoing pirate-themed fan “parrrty” featuring a series of special evening events,...
Today, Corus Entertainment announced its 2024/25 lineup of premium specialty programming, spotlighting new and returning scripted series, reality and factual titles, and kids' and...
Adult Swim returns to Annecy International Animation Film Festival this year with a raucous lineup of first-looks, breaking news and special appearances for its...
The teaser trailer for Scavengers Reign, Max’s new adult animated series released today. The show debuts with three episodes on Thursday, October 19 at midnight...
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