Following its soft announcement at the beginning of the month, Max has officially announced the release of Velma Season 2 on Thursday, April 25 with the...
Animation lovers and family audiences will have another wish granted by global streamer Netflix, which is bringing Sony Pictures Animation's Wish Dragon to audiences...
Sony Pictures Animation's debut musical project Vivo has been picked up by Netflix, with the streamer licensing all global rights (excluding China). The film...
Following six Emmy wins, including Best Directing for an Animated Program and Best Interactive Media, Baobab Studios and its Chief Creative Officer, Eric Darnell...
Annie and Emmy Award-winning VR/AR entertainment company Baobab Studios has announced its fifth project, Bonfire, starring comedian, writer and actress Ali Wong (American Housewife,...
The enchanting VR folk tale short Crow: The Legend -- the latest from INVASION! and ASTEROIDS! creator Baobab Studios -- has officially qualified for...
This Friday, Netflix will debut the new CG-animated feature Next Gen, written and directed by Kevin Adams and Joe Ksander, which features the voices...
Netflix has released the trailer for its upcoming animated feature Next Gen. Written and direted by Kevin Adams and Joe Ksander, the action adventure...
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