It's time for a double-down on gorgeously retro-inspired animation as The Cuphead Show! prepares to serve up a steaming mug of slapstick mayhem February...
Following its intriguing Work in Progress session at Annecy, Netflix has offered up a sneak peek at the animation of its upcoming videogame-based, Fleischer-inspired...
Following the news that global streaming giant Netflix had snapped up the highly anticipated Nickelodeon movie, fans around the world can now look forward...
Netflix and King Features Syndicate (part of Hearst Entertainment and Syndication) are brewing an all-new animated series: The Cuphead Show!, based on Studio MDHR’s...
On Saturday, Viacom President & CEO Bob Bakish announced during the company's Q2 Earnings conference call that its Nickelodeon studio has presold upcoming TV...
Nickelodeon is planning a whirlwind tour through must-visit classic cartoon locales to Comic-Con International San Diego 2017. From July 20-23, attendees can step into...
Nickelodeon has confirmed that a cavalcade of cast members from the original ‘90s series will reprise their roles for the brand-new, original, hour-long TV...
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