Genndy Tartakovsky's adult animated feature film Fixed is now a stray on the distribution streets. Produced by Sony Pictures Animation, the doggy danglers comedy...
With the live-action/animation Looney Tunes feature Coyote vs. Acme barely treading air off the edge of the tax write-off cliff, star Will Forte (MacGruber, Cloudy with a Chance...
Warner Bros. Pictures Animation continues to grow its executive team under President Bill Damaschke with the additions of Kim Mackey and Jessie Carbonaro, as...
Film London will be diving into the opportunities for U.S. and Canadian studios curious about partnering with the U.K. capital's animation houses in an...
Warner Bros. Motion Picture Group has tapped animation veteran Bill Damaschke to lead its feature animation operations as President of the newly rebranded Warner...
Oscar-, BAFTA- and Emmy-winning visual effects and animation studio DNEG, in coordination with New South Wales (NSW) Government, today outlined plans for a new...
Warner Bros. Pictures announced a trio of feature releases set for 2023, including Warner Animation Group's latest big screen revamp of a cartoon classic:...
Another popular brand is getting ready to jump from toy shelves to the big screen, as SuperBroMovies writer Daniel Richtman has reported via Twitter...
One of cartoondom’s most creatively incompetent antagonists is heading to the big screen with the news that Warner Bros. is developing Coyote vs. Acme...
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