Dr. Seuss Enterprises, a leading global children’s entertainment company, and Warner Animation Group, the animated film production arm of Warner Bros. Pictures, today announced...
Madrid-based The Thinklab Media and U.K. studio Kapers Animation have debuted the first images from their upcoming CGI feature film Inspector Sun and the...
New York International Children's Film Festival (NYICFF) announced its 2021 Special Programs on Friday morning. Animated fare is taking center stage at the 24th...
Studio Wildcard has partnered with acclaimed director Jay Oliva (Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox) to executive produce and co-showrun...
Malaysia-born actor and model Henry Golding, breakout star of Crazy Rich Asians, will take on a different sort of performance challenge voicing the feline...
In response to the unprecedented demand for high-quality family entertainment in the home, Warner Bros. will make its upcoming animated feature film Scoob! available...
As shelter-at-home and coronavirus prevention lockdown orders are being extended, Walt Disney Studios is shifting Pixar original Soul from its planned June 19 domestic...
Walt Disney Animation Studios has signed on four filmmakers to bring their visions to new, original feature projects: Carlos López Estrada (director, Blindspotting), Marc...
Saturday morning at D23 Expo, The Walt Disney Studios co-chairman and chief creative officer Alan Horn — joined by Lucasfilm's Kathleen Kennedy, Marvel Studios'...
Netflix has announced additional voice cast joining The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, the epic prequel series to the beloved 1982 Jim Henson film,...
The Art Directors Guild held its annual Production Design Awards gala Saturday night in Downtown Los Angeles, honoring winners in 11 categories across live-action...
The 30th annual Producers Guild Awards, presented by Cadillac, were held Saturday in Los Angeles, celebrating the finest producing work in film and television...
The Art Directors Guild (IATSE Local 800) has announced the nominees for its 23rd annual awards, celebrating excellence in production design for feature films...
The Producers Guild of America has announced the motion picture and television nominations for the 30th Annual Producers Guild Awards, presented by Cadillac. The...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences today announced shortlists in consideration for the 91st Oscars in nine categories: Documentary Feature, Documentary Short...
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