Acclaimed stop-motion animation studio Stoopid Buddy Stoodios has announced that Jonathan Schneider has been named the shop's new President. In this role, he will...
A few months ago, the animation veterans at Stoopid Buddy Stoodios (Robot Chicken, Crossing Swords, Marvel’s M.O.D.O.K.) launched a crowdfunding campaign to introduce the...
The comedy animation maestros at Stoopid Buddy Stoodios (Robot Chicken, Crossing Swords, Marvel's M.O.D.O.K.) have launched a crowdfunding campaign to crack a new world...
Emmy-winning toon shop Stoopid Buddy Stoodios (Robot Chicken, Crossing Swords) has joined forces with Web3 community NOUNS DAO to provide funding for animators to...
Youngsters can gather 'round the flickering glow of the ye olde television to enjoy new adventures with familiar friends, as Disney's outlets present the...
Brad Graeber, co-founder, CEO & CCO of Powerhouse Animation (Castlevania, Seis Manos, Blood of Zeus) took to Twitter this weekend to reveal the studio's...
Another 10 episodes of bingeable mayhem is heading to Hulu, with Season 2 of original stop-motion adult comedy series Crossing Swords premiering December 10....
As evidenced by recent viewing trends, Hulu viewers love adult animation. During the past year, over half of Hulu subscribers have watched content from...
AMC+ has released first-look photos for the upcoming new half-hour, stop-motion, animated baby doll series, Ultra City Smiths -- premiering Thursday, July 22. The...
Hulu has renewed its adult animated original series Solar Opposites for a fourth season (12 episodes), from 20th Television Animation. The series debuted in...
AMC Networks today announced the second round of voice casting for its new half-hour, stop-motion, animated baby doll series, Ultra City Smiths, created by...
Hulu has announced a series order for new animated original Koala Man, created by Michael Cusack (YOLO: Crystal Fantasy), with showrunners Benjit Samit &...
Stoopid Buddy Stoodios, the studio founded by Seth Green, John Harvatine IV, Matthew Senreich and Eric Towner, announced that Jasmine Johnson has been appointed...
AMC has greenlit an innovative new animated dramedy series from writer-director Steve Conrad (Patriot, Perpetual Grace, LTD) and Stoopid Buddy Stoodios (Robot Chicken, Crossing...
'Curse of the Sea Rats' Limited Physical Edition Announced
Curse of the Sea Rats, the epic, hand-drawn "ratoidvania" game which is enjoying ever-growing support on...
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