Crunchyroll, the global leader in bringing the ultimate anime experience to audiences around the world, shared an incredible amount of exclusive announcements to attendees...
Paramount+, the streaming service from ViacomCBS, debuted a first-look clip featuring Hologram Kathryn Janeway, from the upcoming all-new animated kids series Star Trek: Prodigy....
Virtual Crunchyroll Expo is right around the corner (August 5-7) and Crunchyroll is bringing together the global anime community to celebrate the beautiful art...
Global anime streamer Crunchyroll shared a huge slate of new content at today's Crunchyroll Industry Panel at Anime Expo Lite, including Battle Game in...
Virtual Crunchyroll Expo announced another massive lineup of guests this week, including the legendary horror artist Junji Ito, a lineup of professional athlete anime...
WEBTOON, the world’s leading digital publisher of sequential storytelling, and Crunchyroll, the world’s most popular anime brand, are announcing today a strategic partnership that...
Leading interactive entertainment publisher and developer BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment and Crunchyroll Games today announced a strategic partnership with the goal of providing fans a...
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