The Barkers: Mind the Cats, the new feature-length adventure based on the educational animated series The Barkers, is ready to bring the crafty canine...
Netflix, Tomorrow Studios and Shueisha have revealed new additions to the cast of its previously announced live-action One Piece series (, based on smash-hit...
St. Petersburg- and Moscow-based CTB Film Company is one of Russia’s biggest privately owned film production companies. Founded in 1992 by acclaimed producer Sergey...
The international online content market Key Buyers Event: digital, organized by ROSKINO with the support of The Ministry of Culture, the Department of Entrepreneurship...
Continuing the “years of cooperation” between Russia and China’s digital/media industry (2019-2020), St. Petersburg-based Melnitsa Animation Studio’s series Moonzy and His Friends premiered January...
APC Kids, the children’s entertainment division of leading co-production and distribution company APC Studios, has inked its first sales for CTC Media’s new 3D...
APC Kids, the children’s entertainment division of leading co-production and distribution company APC Studios, has signed a far-reaching international distribution agreement with CTC Media...
Top Russian prodco CTB Film Company, the parent company to Melnitsa Animation Studio, has broadened its international team with the appointment of experienced specialist...
Wizart Animation’s The Snow Queen 3: Fire and Ice will receive a theatrical release this Friday via Vertical Entertainment. The sequel, which continues the...
Wizart Animation has found the stars for its English-language version of Sheep ‘n’ Wolves -- it’s new, original CG animated feature produced with CTB...
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