TagsCurse of the Were-Rabbit

Tag: Curse of the Were-Rabbit

2018 Animated Movies: A Sneak Peek

Anticipating all the awesome toons that are coming to the big screen in 2018 can be a lot of fun! Here are some of...

New Wallace & Gromit Short Planned for Queen’s Jubilee

A new animated short featuring Aardman’s beloved plasticine characters Wallace and Gromit is scheduled to debut in conjunction with the big Diamond Jubilee of...

Avast! Aardman’s ‘Pirates’ to Attack Theaters This Friday!

With The Pirates! Band of Misfits Peter Lord and his team have outdone themselves with another delightful, beautifully crafted animated movie. We’ve all seen stop-motion...

Michael Rose Discusses ‘The Gruffalo’s Child,’ ‘Chico & Rita’

Producer Michael Rose discusses his well-received animated projects, The Gruffalo’s Child and Chico & Rita About seven years ago, Aardman veteran Michael Rose set up...